and just to name a few

and just to name a few

Monday, October 8, 2012

Scones - arguably the best on earth! (even for "normal" eaters)

Seriously delicious, though time intensive, these scones will surprise you with how moist and NON "gluten free" they taste! (Not sure that sentence made much sense.) I changed the recipe slightly from it's source, mostly because I didn't read the directions closely enough, but the result was wonderfully delightful! Here you are:
Sift together:
1/2 C white rice flour
1/2 C sorghum flour
1/2 C tapioca flour
1/2 C cornstarch
1/2 C almond or coconut flour
1/4 C sugar
3 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
3/4 + 1/8 tsp xanthum gum
3/4 tsp baking soda

Cut in:
1/2 C cold butter (cut into small pieces)
Add in:
3/4 C milk
1/2 C plain yogurt or sour cream
Mix wet ingredients in until well blended. Kneed the dough 5 or 6 times until it starts holding together. The dough will be pretty gooey and sticky, so you'll need a considerable layer of flour on your hands to prevent sticking (I used tapioca starch) Divide the dough ball in to two halves. Flatten each half in to 1/2 inch thick circles (rolling pin not necessary) and cut in to 6 wedges (with floured knife) Place them a couple inches apart on a greased cookie sheet.

Bake at 425 degrees
10-14 minutes or until lightly browned

The first variation of this recipe I made was cinnamon chip scones. It was a perfect match with a cup of hot Joe for breakfast! Here's the add-ins:
1/3 C cinnamon chips added in with sifted dry ingredients (recipe to follow)
cinnamon sugar sprinkled on top of scones before baking

Cinnamon chips: (I'm sure you can buy them, but I like making weird things like this and I was much too lazy to go hunting down something this obscure)
3 Tbls sugar
1 Tbls cinnamon
2 tsp shortening
2 tsp corn syrup
Mix all with a fork until well blended and crumbly - pat it out thin on to a foil lined (grease the foil) cookie sheet and bake until melted and bubbly - cool completely and break into tiny pieces.
250 degrees
30-40 min (mine took a little longer - I actually put them back in a couple times after cooling completely and not being able to break them - they were just too bendy - they crisp up nicely after a while, though)
It's the easy!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I've was certain, after going completely gluten free 18 months ago, that I would never again enjoy one of my very favorite baked goods...Naan!  With a bowl of basmati rice and a good spicy Indian chicken curry.....ooooh!  It definitely tops the list of most delicious ways to put away a lot of carbs at once!  I have a recipe that I've tried a handful of times and have always been discouraged with how long it took to make the Naan after mixing the dough. The dough ends up more of a soup than a "normal" dough, as does most gf dough.  In fact this last time that I made it I ended up adding another 3/4 cup of flour because I was so fet up with the soupy-ness.  It actually didn't effect the outcome of the finished product, at all!  It DID make it slightly easier to work with.
Well over a year ago my husband gave me a grain grinder that goes on our little bosch mixer.  I tried grinding a few different grains only to find that it was WORTHLESS in grinding anything into an acceptable flour.  So I retured it to the website for store credit and ended up getting a tortilla press for making gf flour tortillas.  It's been sitting in our pantry ever since, untouched.  I was just putting the first batch of Naan on the pizza stone to put in the oven when I remembered it.  I figured it would be too good to be true for it work to make naan but I'd give it a try anyway.  So out it came and!  If you do NOT have a tortilla press, this recipe is still very do able, just much more a pain in the back 40!  I'll give baking instructions for each way after I list the recipe...

Naan!  Delicious, amazing, Naaaaaaan!

combine and let foam:
150ml   tepid milk
1tsp      sugar
2tsp      active dried yeast

SIFT in the bowl of a hefty stand mixer
275g       white rice flour (brown MIGHT work, but I haven't tried it yet.  I'd like to, since it's a whole grain)
60g         tapioca starch
1/2tsp     salt
1tsp        baking powder
1 tsp       sugar
1 tsp       xanthum gum

wisk together:
150ml     plain yogurt (not sure the fat content makes much of a difference, but I always buy whole fat)
1            beaten egg
2tsp        veggie oil

After the dried ingredients is well sifted, add your dough paddle and slowly add in the yogurt mixture and yeast/milk mixture.  Let the mixer go on medium speed for a couple minutes until everything is combined well.

Now the tricky part, since the dough it so.stinking.soupy! Here's where the two different methods part ways.
Preheat your iron and get your hands nice and coated with tapioca starch and grab a good sized ball of dough out.  It doesn't really matter of your roll it or not, it depends on how uniform you want your finished product to appear.  Slap it down on to the iron.  You may have to scrape it off your hands, it being ridiculous and sticky.  Then just proceed like you would with any tortilla dough.  Press the iron down just enough to start flattening out the dough.  Lift the top up and rotate the dough slightly - so this four times until you have it all leveled out and then just let it sit and cook.  You can flip it to see when it looks done enough and then brush that "done" side with melted butter.  Flip it back over to let the "done" side fry in the butter for a couple seconds while you brush the not done side with butter.  The done side will feel VERY crispy, but keep reading to learn that this is not permament.  Flip it back over and let the other side cook.  I didn't ever time how long I left the wads on, but it was probably just 2 or 3 minutes per side.  Voi la!
Keep it all in a tortilla warmer or wrapped in foil while you finish the rest.  It will feel REALLY crispy when you first take it off the iron, but softens right up and doesn't get soggy when kept warm and wrapped.

Ick.  If you don't have a flatbread iron, I do not envy that you have to do it this way.  This is the way I did it every other time, because it really IS worth it, but it's not easy, quick or much fun.
FIRST: preheat your oven to the highest it will go - for most this is 500degrees. Let your pizza stone heat with it.  If not using a pizza stone, let your baking sheet preheat in the fully heated oven for at least 5 minutes before pulling out to put the dough on it.
Mix the dough and let it sit while you lay out two HUGE pieces of freezer paper.  Tape one of them to the counter to create a surface to roll the dough on.  Spray the heck out of the paper and then dust with tapioca starch.  Slap the dough down on it and cover it up with the other peice of SPRAYED freezer paper.  Roll it to about 1/4 inch thickness and pull up the top paper.  Pull out a pizza cutter and cut it into the size of pieces you want.  Now comes the ridiculous part.  Since the dough is so soupy, you can't pull it up off the paper or even spatula it up, so you have to use kitchen scissors to CUT (I know!) the paper along the lines you just pizza cuttered  (definitely not a word).  Flip those and slap them down onto a PRE HEATED pizza stone or  SPRAYED baking sheet and stick into the oven.  :Let it bake on the first side for 2 minutes, pull it out, flip it and let it bake on the second size for two minutes.  Pull it out and brush both sides with butter and return to the oven to brown for several seconds.
Wrap in foil until you are ready to eat - this softens and keeps it soft and toasty hot.

And your done!

Did I mention that it freezes like a DREAM?!!  I wrap my pieces individually and put them all in a freezer ziplock.  When you get a hankerin, pull a piece out, wrap it in a paper towel and heat in the micro for 1 minute.  Check for doneness and consume!

Monday, March 5, 2012

 My mom made KILLER cinnamon rolls for us when we were growing up.  I never quite mastered the art, even with the same recipe.  Mine turned out slightly less killer than hers, but they were still KILLER!  And then I went GF.  Sometimes I think that one of my moms caramel rolls would be worth the discomfort for the few days following ingestion....but no.  It's not worth it.  That left me with ONE option - find a GF recipe that would fill the cinnamon roll shaped hole in my heart. This one is a work in progress, but it's getting MIGHTY close to the KILLER "poison" (our word for gluten infested goods) ones I used to make.  So, without further ado, here's the recipe (adapted from a recipe found on

Cream together in stand mixer:
4 Tbls                 SOFTENED butter
1/2 C                  white sugar
1 1/8 C + 2 tbls    warm milk
2                        eggs slightly beaten
1/2 C                   oil
2 tsp or more        vanilla (I LOVE vanilla, so I typically double the amount      called for)

Mix these all thoroughly before adding dry ingredients

Sift together THEN add to wet ingredients:
3/4 C Sorghum flour
3/4 C Millet flour
3/4 C potato starch  
3/4 C tapioca starch 
OR - in place of the two starches above:  1 1/2 C corn starch (from the original recipe, but I find that a mixture of potato and tapioca pull it just a little closer to that pull apart texture of "poison" cinnamon rolls)
1/2 tsp baking soda
4 tsp    baking powder
4 tsp    xanthum gum
1 tsp    salt
1 TBLS  INSTANT yeast (if you don't use instant, this needs to be proofed with the milk and a little sugar)

With the dough attachment on your mixer, let these blend together at medium speed for a couple minutes - you'll know when it's ready - this actually makes a manageable dough, unlike many gf pastry recipes.

NO RISING!  HURRAY for instant gratification!

Tape a big honkin piece of parchment, wax or freezer paper to your counter and plop the dough down on it.  Rip another same size of paper to put on top of the dough to ease the rolling out process.  Roll the dough out inbetween the sheets of paper until it's... (I didn't measure and I don't ever measure when recipes say to) looking like it's ready to be sprinkled with goodness and rolled up.  You want it to be wider length wise.  A big rectangle.  
Melt and spread onto dough:  

2 or 3 TBLS    butter
as much cinnamon as you prefer - I use QUITE a bit as you can see in the pictures
Then sprinkle with coconut, nuts, raisins....whatever you prefer - or nothing.  I tried coconut on these ones and it was to.die.for!

Then, pull up the taped corners of your paper on the counter and use the paper to roll the dough.  Like such:

 See!  (sorry about the dumpy picture layout - I'm NOT a whiz with blogger!  I'm actually quite surprised I figured out how to get more than one picture on one blog post!)

Then, using cooking spray to lube up a good bread knife, cut through the middle of the roll - Cut the roll into two equal rolls, then into two equal rolls from those 3 rolls.  You will have 4 little rolls.  Cut each of those into 3 and you have 12 cinnamon rolls that bake beautifully into a pan of delicious gluten free heaven!

Mmmmm!  BUT, before you put them in the pan you need the caramel!  For this you will need:
1/2 C   butter
1 C brown sugar
Melt these and bring to boil in a pan, being sure than they do not burn!
remove from heat and add in
1/4 Corn Syrup
Pour this into a sprayed 9 x 13" pan and sprinkle with something or nothing - I used coconut here too and! 
Then plop your cinnamon rolls on the caramel in 4 rows of 3.
Bake at 375 for 20 minutes!
NO rising
NO 35 minute bake time
NO poison!
I served them at a poison infested "breakfast" themed dinner party and they were a huge hit - I'm the only GF-er there.  
And then I had one for breakfast this morning after heating it for 30 seconds in the wave.  JUST as good!

Not the best picture, but the picture isn't the one with the KILLER flavor!

The end